Individual Report (600 words) (15 Marks) As an individual, perform some research


Individual Report (600 words) (15 Marks)
As an individual, perform some research and provide answers to the following: (USE ATTACHMENT BELOW)
How do graph databases and the format of the data used by them differ from traditional SQL databases? Illustrate your answers.
Discuss two industry applications of graph databases with illustrations.
List and briefly explain one challenge in relation to using graph databases to explore patterns and relationships.
Marking Guide:
Has demonstrate achievement in all or most of:
– Explaining with illustrations, how graph databases differ from traditional SQL databases. (5 marks)
– Discussions on two industry applications of graph databases with illustrations (5 marks)
– Discussions on the challenge in relation to using graph databases to explore patterns and relationships. (3 marks)
– The individual report was engaging and well structured. (2 marks)


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