Each student will submit (via Turnitin) a major essay AFTER the mid-semester bre


Each student will submit (via Turnitin) a major essay AFTER the mid-semester break that demonstrates academic understanding of an OB topic.
Specifically, students will choose one from a number of topics (i.e. questions posted separately to Wattle below). In 2,500 words (plus/minus 10%), using APA in-text referencing and DOUBLE-spacing, students will demonstrate their skill in researching a significant OB issue.
The essay is expected to showcase a student’s abilities in marshalling an academic argument that explores a topic well i.e. consistent with the reasonable expectations for a second year student. Accordingly, and as this is the major theoretical assessment task, students must reveal their familiarity with the textbook, Wattle articles and their own research of relevant journals to create and sustain a compelling scholarly narrative that states the position taken in relation to the essay question and demonstrate clearly why and how the position is well reasoned.
Please note that Wikipedia and other popular on-line sources are not peer-reviewed academic material and should NOT be relied upon as they often contain factual errors as well as simplistic or problematic interpretation of many concepts.
AI use: The use of AI such as ChatGPT to generate an essay or report is not allowed as it is akin to plagiarism. Students are required to demonstrate achievement of critical, analytical and synthesis skills in high quality works.


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