Hello! The assignment has to be free of plagiarism and please do not use AI beca


Hello! The assignment has to be free of plagiarism and please do not use AI because they can track it. For the fidelity checklist you would have to create it. Please do not copy one from online because I would get a zero for plagiarism and reported.
I will upload files to help you with the assignment and know what I have been talking about in my past assignments so you could use that information to create this assignment.
I will also upload a template for the assignment.
The effectiveness of an intervention plan is greatly impacted by its consistent and accurate implementation, and as supervisors, it is our role to ensure that those who implement our plans do so with fidelity. Fidelity checks are a way to assess the delivery of the intervention plan and can be measured through direct observation, self-report, and permanent products. In this assignment, you will create a fidelity checklist.
Refer to your treatment plan developed in your PSY7712 and PSY7713 coursework. Identify one procedure within that plan that you would teach a trainee to implement (for example, noncontingent reinforcement, functional communication training, preference assessment, positive reinforcement). Develop a fidelity checklist based on the criteria necessary for the trainee to effectively implement your selected procedure. You will then discuss how fidelity checks impact intervention outcomes.
In your assignment, please include the following:
Briefly describe the case and the selected procedure.
Create a fidelity checklist for the selected procedure.
Discuss the process of creating the checklist and any potential limitations to the design.
What considerations were made in selecting checklist criteria?
For example, if completing the task in a specific duration is important, is this captured in the checklist? If a certain percentage of the task must be completed, is this captured in the checklist criteria?
Evaluate fidelity checks.
What variables impact the type of measurement selected (direct observation or self-report)
How do fidelity checks relate to treatment outcomes?
Additional Requirements
Written Communication: Writing should be free of errors that detract from the overall message.
APA Formatting: References and citations are formatted according to APA style guidelines. Review Evidence and APA for more information.
Resources: At least two scholarly or professional resources.
Length: 2–3 double-spaced pages, excluding title page and list of references.
Refer to the Fidelity Checklists Rubric to ensure you understand the grading criteria for this assignment.
Competencies Measured
By successfully completing this assignment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and rubric criteria:
Competency 1: Apply the principles of behavior analysis to supervisory practices.
Evaluate the fidelity checklist, explaining why the type of measurement is appropriate and expected the treatment outcomes.
Competency 2: Apply performance monitoring systems to oversee behavior change programs.
Create a fidelity checklist that includes all relevant information.
Provide an analysis of the checklist including, if relevant, any ways to improve reported limitations.
Competency 4: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly and consistent with expectations for professionals in the field of psychology.
Demonstrate an academic writing style through well-organized prose that follows assignment guidelines.
Demonstrate compliance with APA style, citation, and referencing guidelines.


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