In this discussion you will use the five sources you selected last week to crea


In this discussion you will use the five sources you selected last week to crea

In this discussion you will use the five sources you selected last week to create a brief summary of your research topic. The document itself will only be a page but you will also be required to provide an APA formatted title page (see 2.2  for title page 2.3-2.8), abstract (2.9-2.10), and reference list (2.12).  Your submission should have the following:
1.) Title page
2.) Abstract page
3.) One page with 5 sources cited in text
4.) Reference page with five sources from module 4
Please progress through this module as follows:
APA manual: Chapter 2
Sager, E. (1976). Operational definition. Journal of Business Communication, 14(1), 23–26. to an external site.
Watch videos within module Operational definitions: to an external site.

Subjectivity: to an external site.


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