In each writing response you must reference at least one of the pdf files attech


In each writing response you must reference at least one of the pdf files atteched. You can quote briefly from the readings; please avoid lengthy quotations. You can also reference the content of the readings without quotation, but be sure to be precise and clear. In all cases, when you are referencing content, please provide an ‘in-text’ parenthetical citation in the following format: (author last name, pg.#) — e.g., (Margulis, p.4)
Answer both prompts clearly and succinctly (approximately 1-2 paragraphs each) (2 pts. ea., 4 pts. total)
Describe the physiology of hearing, including aspects of the outer, middle, and inner ear with appropriate terminology.
How is ‘sound’ transduced (i.e., converted) from pressure variations, to mechanical vibrations, to neural impulses?
What happens in the basilar membrane?
Explain the ‘place theory’ and the ‘periodicity theory’ of pitch perception and how they may overlap.
What are the primary descriptors of sound waves?
How do these correlate, according to the ‘simple answer,’ with hearing?
What are some confounding factors that make this relationship not so simple?
How does what we are learning about efferent connections complicate the ‘simple’ or ‘classical’ view of how we hear?
Answer 2 prompts from the below options to respond to in a short essay (3-5 paragraphs each) (3 pts. ea., 6 pts. total)
From a biological perspective, what are emotions and why do we have them?
Why is it so difficult to measure emotions?
What aspects of emotions may or may not be universal?
Why does music affect our emotions? How are exposure, expectation, and enjoyment related in our perception of music and in our formation of musical taste?
What is the ‘inverted U curve’ and how does it relate to this discussion?
Briefly describe David Huron’s ITPRA theory and explain how it can shed light on the role that expectation plays in generating emotions, both in everyday life, and in a musical context.
What is the paradox of music and negative emotion?
Discuss an example from your own musical experience to illustrate these ideas.


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