Content and Organizational Guidelines: This assignment is designed to evaluate e


Content and Organizational Guidelines:
This assignment is designed to evaluate each student’s ability to conduct an in-depth research project. The paper must address one of the topics outlined in the case study “A Bomb Over Ljubljana.”
The two-step timetable to complete this assignment is the following:
On Sunday that concludes Week 5: Research Paper Argument due.
On Saturday at the end of Week 11: Final Research Paper is due.
Please read the Guidelines for Research Papers in the Grading Guidelines and Rubrics.
Please review the following information on final paper editing.
Listen to the audio and read the transcriipt
Download the audio file (zip file) (Unresolved link)
Format and Style Guidelines:
The general format and style guidelines for the final research paper are as follows:
15-20 pages in length.
Must be written in Times New Roman 12-point font.
Must be double-spaced with a 1.25-inch left margin and 1-inch top, bottom and right margins.
The documentation style utilized must be consistent throughout the paper. Students must choose APA Publication Manual, Chicago Manual of Style or MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers (acceptable); please refer to “A Writer’s Reference” by D. Hacker.
Must include a separate title page and a works cited section.
Refer to the Syllabus for point value of this assignment.


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