please write about Greece as a culture and cite the refrences as a APA format. I


please write about Greece as a culture and cite the refrences as a APA format. I

please write about Greece as a culture and cite the refrences as a APA format. I will upload the criteria below, please follow the table below and address each column.
Attitudes: Addresses at least 3 of the following: beliefs (political, ideological, religious, moral, etc.), values, general knowledge (empirical, theoretical), opinions, superstitions, or stereotypes.
Behaviors: Addresses at least 3 of the following: norms, roles, customs, traditions, habits, practices, or fashions.
Symbols: Includes at least 3 examples of symbols, including both the thing and the meaning attached to it.
APA formatIncludes: a reference slide with all of the references, including peer-reviewed articles, websites, or anything else used.
Clarity: Presentation is clear, organized, and engaging.


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