Here is the link provided by my professor that outlines the assignment and gives


Here is the link provided by my professor that outlines the assignment and gives

Here is the link provided by my professor that outlines the assignment and gives an example:
Moreover, I’ve attached the written instructions for this assignment as well.
My professor will mention a presentation that is due. I will do that on my own.
I’ve also attached a rough outline for this project. It likely isn’t complete in regard to all the information that is needed, but I hope that it helps.
The paper’s length is not hard set; it can be shorter so long as all of the information needed is included.
There’s no set number of citations required, but please do keep a list of sources used. You do not have to cite them if you don’t want to. I can do that so long as I have the links. Also, please make sure the citations are easily accessible to the public (not behind a paywall or needing an account).
Please let me know if you have difficulties accessing the attached files/video. Please reach out to me if you need any help or have any questions. I’d be more than happy to help in any way I can. If you need more


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