This is a research paper that is adding on to the PICOT paper we just submitted.


This is a research paper that is adding on to the PICOT paper we just submitted. I attached our PICOT paper with all the references etc. The next section is the Scientific evidence summary section. I’m not even sure if another party can do this, but let’s give it a shot and let me know if you need anything. If you can’t’ that’s fine, and let me know that as well. I will also provide a sample SES paper. I am pretty bad at researching, so I’m still confused about how this will come together. For the critical appraisal tools we need to use, I included the AGREE tool but there is also the JBL which is also fine to use
Please let me know if none of this makes sense. I am just beyond stressed and my group is not doing ANY of their work.
Thank you


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