I need someone to create a full lesson plan to follow these objectivesLesson aim


I need someone to create a full lesson plan to follow these objectivesLesson aim

I need someone to create a full lesson plan to follow these objectivesLesson aim(s)/objective(s) for students to learn that day
Assumptions on topics such as student background knowledge, language skills, and/or interest as it relates to your lesson plan
A summary of any anticipated problems your students may face and possible solutions
Worksheets, visuals, or prompts that you create or modify (attach and cite any sources)
Clear instructions to students and role of the teacher
Time estimates for each stage
Desсrіption of one or two methods of gram
#1: Present Simple (beginning level)
Teach how the present simple can be used to describe habitual actions in one’s life (e.g. “I take the bus to school every day.”) You can assume that students have already been introduced to some basic verbs and nouns to describe common daily routines.mar assessment that could follow your lesson plan.
I need two examples of worksheets showing what assignments the students will need.


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