Topic: Adapting tactical urbanism to benefit society and policy makers: a case o


Topic: Adapting tactical urbanism to benefit society and policy makers: a case o

Topic: Adapting tactical urbanism to benefit society and policy makers: a case of Dubai Historical zone.
Research Question: How can adapting tactical urbanism benefit the society and policy making.
Methodology: 5-8 case studies + approx. 5 interviews + approx. 10 questionnaires — finding a correlation between adapting TU + society benefits policy making.
– follow the template provided for all submissions.
– I will conduct interviews and questionnaire; I need the questions for both from your side please to be approved by the prof. and to commence them.
– I attached the chapters’ deadlines and the required submission from your side for me to review it before submitting – I will also receive feedback after each submission, and will share it with you to adjust the needful.
– I have added the dissertation proposal, which you can get back to and use anything from there, yet put in your mind that the dissertation topic and research question has been adjusted as above.
– Kindly mention Dubai’s related strategies such as Dubai Urban plan 2040.
– Always add chapter outline in the beginning of each chapter.
– we will be using the ARCID tool for researchers for this dissertation, please do mention the use of this tool as research tool.


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