Research Essay (50 points total): Each student will write a research essay on a


Research Essay (50 points total): Each student will write a research essay on a

Research Essay (50 points total): Each student will write a research essay on a different theory of gender study and how it is applied to modern academics and study of gendered lives. The essay should include at least 3 academic resources and includes the student’s own thoughts and opinions on how to apply the theory to the world around them. The assignment is a way to practicing academic research and thinking critically about the world around them. 
This 4 to 5-page paper should consist of two general parts: a) the summary of the articles (describing the participants, methods, and general results of the study), and b) your own discussion of the paper as described in the following questions:
Why did you choose this theory?
How is the research relevant or important? What are the implications of the results?
What are the limitations of this theory?
What did you find most interesting about this theory?
Does it support your pre-existing beliefs or challenge them?
Answer the questions in a narrative format (do not list them and answer them; rather integrate them into the flow of the paper).
This paper should use full APA style with citations (with no Abstract page). All sources should be cited and listed on your References page.
The theory I chose was the Social Learning theory and how it is applied to classrooms. I linked all the articles and how I wanted to implement each one. My professor did not specify whether it is APA 6 or 7, she just said APA.


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