For this assignment, find ONE journal article that collects data through surveys


For this assignment, find ONE journal article that collects data through surveys

For this assignment, find ONE journal article that collects data through surveys. Develop well-organized paragraphs and respond to the following inquiries: The article should be about child welfare and protection.
What is the topic being studied and what makes it appropriate for a survey method?
What is being measured by the survey (e.g. attitude, opinion, feelings, etc.)?
What type of survey is used (e.g. self-administered questionnaires, interview, telephone, online, etc.)? Be specific with an explanation for why the choice is appropriate.
Are there any ethical concerns in this research? Explain.
This assignment must be typed double-spaced, using well-organized paragraphs on one and a half pages. Use the APA format when referencing external sources and include a reference page.


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