Please Note: Once your assignment is submitted and graded, the grade will be fin


Please Note: Once your assignment is submitted and graded, the grade will be fin

Please Note: Once your assignment is submitted and graded, the grade will be final, no re-submissions will be allowed.
CHAPTER 15 – Construction Styles and Residential Dwellings
1. Are there any gables on a Hip Roof (yes or no)? Which architectural style home would you tend to find a front balcony on the second floor?
2. Are wooden studs vertical or horizontal? Are they 2 X 4 or 2 X 6? Do they support the walls, floor or roof? How far apart (in inches) are they constructed? What is the name of a horizontal beam that supports the floor in a typical house?
3. Name three advantages and three disadvantages to condominium ownership.
4. Can a real estate agent sell new mobile homes? Why or why not? Can real estate agents sell used mobile homes? If not, why not. If so, what is required first?
5. Name some advantages and disadvantages to renting versus owning real estate.


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