Throughout this course, we have been studying key theological concepts including


Throughout this course, we have been studying key theological concepts including

Throughout this course, we have been studying key theological concepts including sin, the Godhead, Biblical anthropology, holiness, the church, and the end times. In the process, you have been exposed to multiple resources, assessments, exercises, and assignments that have established your basic understanding of the essentials of theology.
Now that you’ve studied these topics it is time to apply the knowledge that you have learned to write your final paper. The final paper is composed of five topics that you will elaborate upon – Components of Salvation, Godhead, Anthropology, Holiness, and Evangelism.
Use a minimum of four sources that have been made available to you throughout this course and use a minimum of two external sources. Sources must be properly cited in APA format, and you must have a “reference” page at the end of the paper, as well as a “title page”.
Your paper must be a total of 11 pages minimum, not including the title and reference page.This assignment is available in lesson: Unit 6 – Apostolic Ministry
Throughout this course, we have been studying key theological concepts including sin, the Godhead, Biblical anthropology, holiness, the church, and the end times. In the process, you have been exposed to multiple resources, assessments, exercises, and assignments that have established your basic understanding of the essentials of theology.
Now that you’ve studied these topics it is time to apply the knowledge that you have learned to write your final paper. The final paper is composed of five topics that you will elaborate upon – Components of Salvation, Godhead, Anthropology, Holiness, and Evangelism.
Use a minimum of four sources that have been made available to you throughout this course and use a minimum of two external sources. Sources must be properly cited in APA format, and you must have a “reference” page at the end of the paper, as well as a “title page”.
Your paper must be a total of 11 pages minimum, not including the title and reference page.
Write an 11-page research paper in which you address the following (each one should correspond to a section of the paper):
Introduction: The introduction portion of the paper should introduce the reader to the topics that will be discussed throughout the paper, i.e. components of salvation, Godhead, Biblical anthropology, holiness, and evangelism. This section must be a minimum of ½ of a page.
Components of Salvation: In this section you will give a comprehensive definition of the components of salvation from the apostolic theological definition of salvation. The definition of salvation must include the following three components- repentance, baptism in Jesus’ name, and reception of the Holy Spirit. This section must be a minimum of 2 pages.
Godhead: In this section you will give a definition of the oneness of God, and you will describe the dual nature of Jesus Christ. In order to provide a comprehensive definition of the oneness of God, and of the dual nature of Jesus Christ, imagine that your audience has never heard of the controversy of the ontological nature of God. In doing so, you will not miss any of the pertinent details that are important in understanding the oneness doctrine. This section must be a minimum of 2 pages.
Biblical Anthropology: In order to provide a Biblical view of anthropology, you will describe for your audience the origins of mankind as the special creation of God as outlined in the Biblical book of Genesis. Give your audience a background on Charles Darwin’s Theory of Evolution, and provide an academic argument against evolution from a creationist’s perspective. Also, make mention of theistic evolution. Provide a definition of theistic evolution and answer the question of whether or not it is acceptable for believers to accept the position of theistic evolution. Lastly, define the importance of believing in creationism in our postmodern world of evolutionary milieu. This section must be a minimum of 2 pages.
Holiness: Assume that your reader knows nothing of holiness, and define the nature of God as holy, the nature of man as sinful, and how mankind can approach God through the gift of grace that He has provided. Provide a definition of holiness as being an attribute that is communicated to mankind through the power of the Holy Spirit when one has received the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Apostolic theology teaches that without the baptism of the Holy Spirit, there is no salvation (Acts 2:38; Romans 8:9). Define what it means to live in holiness, both inwardly and outwardly (subjectively and objectively). Utilize the resources from unit 4, and focus especially upon Dr. Wilson’s “In Bonds of Love”, defining our relationship to God as servants unto holiness because of our love for the Master who laid down his life for us. This section must be a minimum of 2 pages.
Evangelism: In this section on evangelism, you must firstly describe what evangelism is. Describe the nature of evangelism by drawing upon Biblical examples of apostolic evangelism within the book of Acts, and by drawing upon the example of Christ who preached the news of the coming kingdom of God. Also utilize the material from unit 6 to describe evangelism. Describe the call of Christ, especially in the Great Commission, for believers to be evangelists. Describe what evangelism looks like in your personal life, at work, in your community, and in your daily life. Lastly, describe the importance of evangelism for our world in its current state. This section must be a minimum of 2 pages.
Conclusion: The conclusion is a concise recapitulation of the topics that you discussed throughout the paper with any concluding thoughts that you might want to interject. This section must be a minimum of ½ of a page.
All verse in KJV


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