Prompt: I would like you to test Kant’s first and second formulation of the cate


I would like you to test Kant’s first and second formulation of the cate

I would like you to test Kant’s first and second formulation of the categorical imperative to the scenario mentioned in the lecture:
Imagine someone is living in 1944 in Germany under Nazi occupation. This person is allowing Jewish people to hide in their house. One day, a Nazi SS officer knocks on the front door of the house. When the person opens the door, the officer asks them “Are you hiding Jewish people in your house?”
Discussion Question: According to Kantian Ethics, do you think the person should tell the truth to the officer, or should they lie?
In your post, you must argue whether you think, according to Kantian ethics, would Kant say it is okay to lie to the officers or do you think he would argue that the person must tell the truth.
Make sure in your answer, to defend your position with Kant’s moral theory. Explain how the theory defends your position.
Your post must be at least 125 words.


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