Length: 4-5 pages References: Include 3-5 scholarly resources. In your scholarly


Length: 4-5 pages
References: Include 3-5 scholarly resources.
In your scholarly

Length: 4-5 pages
References: Include 3-5 scholarly resources.
In your scholarly literature review, you will synthesize each subtopic you have identified. To help you practice this skill and receive feedback, for this assignment choose one subtopic to focus on and synthesize. In your synthesis consider:
• What the articles in the subtopic group have in common. For example, did authors use similar frameworks, materials, or participants? Are any studies an extension of another?
• How do the articles in the subtopic group differ? If there are contradictory findings, you may (or may not) be able to identify methodological differences that could account for the contradiction (e.g., differences in measurements or participant demographics).
• What general conclusions you can report about the subtopic, given the relationships you inferred from the group of articles reviewed. Some questions to consider include: What are some general observations on the topic? Are there overall themes or patterns in the literature? Do the patterns or themes suggest future areas of inquiry? In this process, have you found that you need to go back to the literature and search for additional resources? Please explain.
Length: 4-5 pages
I attatched the previous assignments to give a better understanding of other research
references week 7 is what I need you to use for this assignment
all other attachments are to give you more context .


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