Introduction (200 words) The introduction should draw from academic sources and


Introduction (200 words)
The introduction should draw from academic sources and

Introduction (200 words)
The introduction should draw from academic sources and include (but not limited to):
A brief explanation of the aim of the case study report
A definition of the internal business environment
A definition of the micro business environment
A definition of the macro business environment.
Section 1 (400 words)
This section should give a summary of TUI by including the following (but not limited to):
Business overview (e.g., key events, products/services, business type, legal structure)
Size (e.g., annual revenue, number of employees, scale of operation, market share)
Sector and industry operations
Direct and indirect competitors
Organisational structure and leadership team
Section 2 (400 words)
This section should interpret the information provided by including the following (but not limited to):
The impacts of increasing corporate tax rate after Brexit on TUI’s internal environment
How TUI can recover from challenges they are facing using internal environment
Section 3 (400 words)
This section should interpret the information provided by including the following (but not limited to):
The impacts of increasing corporate tax rate after Brexit on TUI’s micro-environment
How TUI can recover from challenges they are facing using micro-environment.
Section 4 (400 words)
This section should use the information provided to analyse TUI’ macro environment:
The impacts of PESTLE factors on TUI’ operations.
How TUI can recover from challenges they are facing using macro-environment
Conclusion (200 words)
This section should include (but not limited to):
Suggestions for TUI how to improve its operations considering the micro, internal and macro
Propose recommended strategies, possible limitations and possible action plan


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