For this project, you will research and select a peer reviewed journal article o


For this project, you will research and select a peer reviewed journal article o

For this project, you will research and select a peer reviewed journal article online (ECU library website,, Google Scholar, Ebsco, etc.), and write a 3-5 page (excluding the reference page) double spaced reflection about the journal article. The article must be a scholarly attempt to conduct research using one of the following topics:
Emotional Intelligence
Strategic Leadership
Organizational/Sport Culture
You will need to analyze the article and give your feedback, and you should discuss any future recommendation that you would make regarding the topic. Please state at the top of your page which topic you’ll be writing about, and the name of the article you’ve chosen. You will also need to add a reference page. Think of this paper as a comparison of:
The Article Content (position, data, setting applied, etc)
If the study was NOT done within the sports industry, what can still be learned through their application of the theory in that setting?
Does the Course Content Supports or Conflict this scholarly research?
Your own take-aways as a future leader


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