Content: The goal of this assignment is to critically and analytically examine y


Content: The goal of this assignment is to critically and analytically examine y

Content: The goal of this assignment is to critically and analytically examine your own social and familial genealogy vis-à-vis one of your strongly held values/beliefs. Students should first identify a strongly held value/belief and then explore how this strongly held value/belief came to be within their familial and cultural context. In their analysis students should reflect on the following questions:
· What, specifically, is the value/belief that you hold? Make sure to explain what this value means to you. What is one recent example from your everyday life that illustrates this belief or value?
· What were some of the messages you received as a younger person about this value?
· Who else is your family shares this value/belief? Who does not share this belief?
· How was this value/belief transmitted to members of your family intergenerationally?
· How has this strongly held value/belief been shaped by other key mentors/role models in your life? How has this belief/value changed over time?
· How is this value congruent and/or incongruent with social work values and ethics? What challenges will you face as a social worker with this particular value/belief?
In what ways does your story intersect with systemic privileges and/or marginalized experiences? Connect your story with the larger story of our society.
Students are strongly encouraged to use Ponterro (2014) as a model for their analysis.
Ponterotto, J. G. (2014). Finding my cultural selves: The journey continues. In M. E. Gallardo (Ed.), Developing cultural humility: Embracing race, privilege and power (pp. 27-48). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
Paper Submission Details: The paper should be a maximum of 5 pages in length not including the reference page. More important than length is adequate coverage of the main concepts discussed here. Please include a title page in APA format. You do NOT need to submit an abstract for this paper. It is to be written in APA formatting with a 12 point Times New Roman font. It must be double-spaced, with one-inch margins. Pages should be numbered on the top right and the reference and citation style should follow that of the American Psychological Association. Citations should include all materials referenced and all materials referenced must be cited! The use of direct quotes is not encouraged; in general, you should use indirect quotes (paraphrase). All written materials should be professional. In other words, written materials should be clear and easy to read with attention paid to grammar, punctuation, spelling, and vocabulary. Subheadings are encouraged as a way to organize your paper. You will lose points for failure to follow these instructions. This paper requires at least 2 references from in-class resources. RESOURCES FROM CLASS- 1- Morgaine, K. & Capous-Desyllas, M. (2020). Anti-Oppressive Social Work Practice: Putting Theory Into Action. 2nd Edition Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
A few examples of beliefs I have is respect, honesty and perseverance. PICK ONE OF THESE THAT WILL BE EASIEST FOR YOU TO WRITE ABOUT.


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