Chapter 7and 8 Chapter 7 1. What are the primary elements included in a breakdow


Chapter 7and 8
Chapter 7
1. What are the primary elements included in a breakdow

Chapter 7and 8
Chapter 7
1. What are the primary elements included in a breakdown sheet?
2. How does a producer benefit by keeping a production book for each project?
3. What is the difference between a storyboard and a floorplan? How do they augment each other?
4. What steps do you take to cast your progect?
S. Name 5 support crew members who you might use in your production?
6. What is the difference between working with child actors and adult actors?
7. Name 10 areas of pre-production that are important to double-check
Chapter 8
1. Name 5 leadership qualities a producer brings into the production process. Describe how each one impacts the project.
2. Describe the concept of matching eye-lines.
3. What are the typical problems you might run into in recording useable audio in an exterior location? In a sound stage? How would you solve these problems?
4. Describe the role of the script supervisor and the importance of this job during production?
(only use the book and answer the questions from chapters 7 and 8)


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