Watch the film (link below) to write a maximum two page paper about it, based on


Watch the film (link below) to write a maximum two page paper about it, based on

Watch the film (link below) to write a maximum two page paper about it, based on the prompt. Use the attached information to properly cite.
It must be 2 pages MAXIMUM, not including References or cover page.
Please include a plagiarism report.
According to scholar Susan Napier, Nausicaa is an empowered young girl hero: she combines traits traditionally associated with masculinity, such as physical power and scientific and mechanical abilities, with traits traditionally associated with femininity, such as aesthetic appreciation, compassion and motherliness. Thus, one view would be that Nausicaa is a character who breaks traditional gender boundaries and expectations. But another view might be that she does not actually break gender boundaries and expectations but rather, reinforces them. Which do you agree with? Explain with examples from the film, such as Nausicaa’s representation, actions, scenes, plot points, etc.


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