Take any social issue/social problem of your choice — think about what you tho


Take any social issue/social problem of your choice — think about what you tho

Take any social issue/social problem of your choice — think about what you thought of that issue before you started this class.
Discuss what you think as beginning sociologists on the same social issue/problem now that you’ve completed the class.
How and why has your thinking changed as a result of taking this course?
Explain that change clearly and in some detail using the studio guide terms – you may include any of the video clips as well.
Please use at least 7 study guide terms of your choice going back to the beginning of the course that you think is relevant to those changes.
As always, please use these terms in ways that make it clear to me and to yourself that you understand what they mean and are relevant to your answers.
Study guide terms below
Idea of the Self
Freud —Id, Ego, Superego
Cooley — Looking Glass Self
Mead — the I and the Me
Weber — Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism
Calvin — Predestination
Luther — Calling
Cloward and Piven —Regulating the Poor: The Function of Public Welfare — the poor as scapegoats
Family Structures and Norms — Monogamy, Polygamy, Polygyny, Polyandry, Patriachy
Gender and its Consequences —
Me Too Movement
Divorce — Functional and Conflict Peraspectives of Divorce Rate
Primary Group —
Reference Groups —
Ideal Type
Ascribed/Achieved characteristics
Labeling Theory — Primary and Secondary Deviation (Lemert)
Definition of the Situation — Self-Fulfiling Prophecy
Cultural Relativity
Ciminology, Deviance
Penology, Recidivism, Incapacitation
Biological Positivism, Lombroso, Atavism, Trait Theory
Psychodynamic/Psychoanalytic Psychology — Freud — Id, Ego, Superego Oedipal/Electra Compexes
Social Structure Theory, Anomie Theory, Strain Theory Robert Merton
Differential Opportunity Theory, Theory of Illegitimate Opportunity — Richard Cloward
Cultural Transmission Theory, Differential Asociation Theory, Social Learning Theory — Edwin Sutherland
Social Control Theory — Hirschi
Social Disorganization Theory, Social Ecology School, Culture of Poverty, the Truly Disadvantaged — Chicago School, William Julius Wilson, Oscar Lewis
Labeling Theroy, Social Reaction Theory —
Stigma, Master Status, Primary Deviance, Secondary Deviance, Successful dgradation Ceremony — Becker, Lemert, Schur, Garfinkel
Rational Choice Theory
Delinquent Subculture — Albert Cohen
Critical Theory, Conflict Theory — Karl Marx


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