So I already have a paper written but it talks too much about the exacts about e


So I already have a paper written but it talks too much about the exacts about e

So I already have a paper written but it talks too much about the exacts about e-commerce and day trading. Take some of that out to a reasonable point. I added 5 pages which should cover edits and add ons. I need this essay to flow better it should be a narration written in a meander style. It should alternate paragraphs telling a story of an important black figure’s life obtaining wealth and mine. Lets try and instead of an introduction narrate a story in the bible that somehow connects to me and this black figure of your choice. Really make it a story that will grab readers’ attention. draw parallels between the figure me and the bibles. I know these are weird instructions but I hope you understand what I am getting at. I added the original essay down below.


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