Projects Overview In this course, you will be completing projects that simulate


Projects Overview
In this course, you will be completing projects that simulate

Projects Overview
In this course, you will be completing projects that simulate Capture the Flag (CTF) activities. CTFs are information security competitions where individuals or teams apply real-world hacking techniques to infiltrate a system, find intentionally placed vulnerabilities, and exploit them to locate the “flag,” a string of code that proves they were able to exploit the flaw (GitHub, n.d.)
In this scenario, you have been hired as a Security Operations Center (SOC) Analyst Blue Teamer at Centralia Technology, a cybersecurity services company helping organizations secure their digital assets.
Your manager is putting together teams for a CTF competition coming up in a few months. Centralia Technology wants its own teams to compete with the best in the country.
The CTF activities are designed to create a collaborative team learning environment. Your manager wants everyone to participate in a simulated CTF event individually. Following that, you will be put into teams of diverse skill sets to work together to analyze and solve challenges. Near the end of the course, you will present your solutions to share and exchange knowledge with everyone in the company (class).
You will be completing these activities:
Project 1: Capture the Flag Write-Up (Week 3) – This is an individual project to see what techniques, tools, websites, or other resources you can use to help solve challenges. You will identify one or two challenges you didn’t attempt or complete and identify the areas you had trouble with. You will correctly answer 10 questions from the in-house CTF quiz bank and submit your company survey.


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