Please read the following request carefully. This article asks you to find an in


Please read the following request carefully. This article asks you to find an in

Please read the following request carefully. This article asks you to find an interesting anecdote on this website and describe it. You need to quote the content inside; the picture is an example.
Go to Colonial America website links to an external site.
Select the Documents tab.
Under Document Type, check “diary.”
Select a theme (e.g. “American Indians” [sic], “war,” or “frontier”).
Select a diary.
Read one page from the diary.
Record responses to the following questions:
Which theme did you choose?
Which diary did you choose? (Note carefully the date and author.)
What strikes you in the page you have read?
After selecting your source and identifying your anecdote, consider the following questions:
What does this anecdote tell us?
What does it not tell us?
What issues does this anecdote touch upon?
Write a short paper (2-3 pages, not counting the References page or section; Times New Roman; 12 pt font; double-spaced). You must use APA-style in-text citations in all applicable locations. When using someone’s exact words, quote and cite. When using someone’s ideas, cite. In both cases, provide references. These guidelines apply to the use of any readings and resources, including the textbooks and lectures. A References page or section is required; a cover page is not.


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