OVERVIEW How important do you think popular culture is within your life?  Are yo


How important do you think popular culture is within your life?  Are yo

How important do you think popular culture is within your life?  Are you constantly listening to the newest music?  Do you enjoy watching the most recent episode of something on Amazon Prime or Netflix? Are you obsessed with hip-hop “beefs”?  Do you follow social influencers on YouTube?  Look around your house. Have your purchases been influenced by Marvel, Game of Thrones, World of Warcraft, K-Pop, or Pokemon?  The most common forms of popular culture are movies, music, television (including streaming), video games, sports, celebrity news, fashion, advertising, comics, as well as various forms of social media (such as Instagram, Tik Tok, Snapchat, etc.) and phone/online apps (such as WhatsApp, Tinder, Venmo, Spotify, etc.). Here are more examples: Pop CultureLinks to an external site.
Write a 500-word, 5-paragraph essay that explains your PERSONAL FEELINGS about (or a PERSONAL EXPERIENCE with) a specific form of mass media or pop culture (TV, movies, music, advertising, etc.) This paper should emphasize your own perspective and should make clear the specific examples or events that shaped your point of view. For example, if you choose to write about why you no longer watch reality TV shows, you should provide examples that help the reader to understand how you arrived at this decision—did certain shows just start to turn your stomach? Was watching these shows taking up too much of your time?  This is a PERSONAL narrative about your relationship to pop culture and should contain supporting evidence from your own life. No research is necessary! Also: PLEASE DO NOT WRITE A PAPER THAT JUST DISCUSSES A FORM OF MEDIA IN A GENERAL WAY (For example: “Violence on TV is hurting our nation’s youths…”); INSTEAD, BE SURE THE SUBJECT MATTER OF THE PAPER IS SPECIFIC TO YOUR OWN LIFE, REFLECTING YOUR OWN OBSERVATIONS AND PERSONAL EXPERIENCES.
To ensure you are structuring your paper correctly, here are a couple of samples:
Personal_Essay_Sample.pdfDownload Personal_Essay_Sample.pdf
Personal_Essay_Sample#3.pdfDownload Personal_Essay_Sample#3.pdf
Any paper that does not resemble the SAMPLES in terms of length and structure will likely not qualify for a passing grade. Grammar counts! In addition, your paper should be double-spaced, contain either headers or footers, have all the appropriate information (such as your name, date, etc.) in the top left-hand corner of the first page, and, most all, written in Times New Roman/12-points. 


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