Locate an article in an I/O journal on a topic that is of interest to you person


Locate an article in an I/O journal on a topic that is of interest to you person

Locate an article in an I/O journal on a topic that is of interest to you personally (there is a list of journals at the end of the assignment details).
Identify and report the following information from the article(s):
■ Author, title, and publication date
■ Purpose of study
■ Hypotheses
■ Type of research method used
■ Statistics used
■ Sample population
■ Independent and dependent variables
■ Summary of research findings
■ Why is this research important to the practice and science of I/O psychology?
■ What, if anything, could the researcher(s) have done to improve the study?
Suggested journals:
■ Journal of Applied Psychology
■ Personnel Psychology
■ Academy of Management Journal
■ Journal of Management
■ Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes
■ Leadership Quarterly
Please provide responses to all bullet points for full credit.


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