For this journal, you will discuss when you use summary, paraphrase, and quotati


For this journal, you will discuss when you use summary, paraphrase, and quotati

For this journal, you will discuss when you use summary, paraphrase, and quotations in your own papers. Read the following article on integrating outside information: Quoting, Paraphrasing, and Summarizing. And here’s more info on paraphrasing without plagiarizing (which is a harder skill to acquire than you might think): Paraphrasing. And watch the following video: Using Other People’s Ideas
And make sure to read chapter 11 on Summary in the OER and Chapter 36.2 on integrating source material using MLA. Then come up with your own definition and guidelines for when you should summarize, paraphrase, and quote.
Fill out the following bullets:
1. I summarize when_____
2. I paraphrase when_____
3. I quote when_______

Use these guidelines as a tool when you write future papers. You don’t want to rely too heavily on any one way of incorporating source material. They all serve important roles in academic writing.


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