This week’s discussion assignment is about the Diversity in Criminal Justice Sys


This week’s discussion assignment is about the Diversity in Criminal Justice Sys

This week’s discussion assignment is about the Diversity in Criminal Justice System. You must write at least a minimum of 500-word count for the total assignment, usein-text citations, and use three scholarly sources. Be sure to incorporate relevant scholarly research in the body of your response, and to fully cite your sources after your content. APA citation rules must be followed. You may use your textbook as a source for this assignment. All research sources must be current (generally that means published within the past 10 years).
Make sure to follow instructions and answer each part of the question completely, failure to do so will result in a 10-point reduction per question. I will check the word count for each question and deduct an additional 10 points if the explanation/answer does not meet the minimum requirements stated above. Encyclopedias and Dictionaries are not appropriate research sources at this level. No Wikipedia! Do not self-plagiarize from previous assignments!
General Instructions: Assignment Part 1
Visit the websites of “8 Can’t Wait” and “Campaign Zero.” Study the specific reforms in policing practices being advocated by these organizations.
8 Can’t Wait
Ban chokeholds and strangleholds
Require de-escalation
Require warning before shooting
Exhaust all alternatives before shooting
Duty to intervene
Ban shooting at moving vehicles
Require use of force continuum
Require comprehensive reporting
Campaign Zero
End broken windows policing
Community oversight
Limit use of force
Independently investigate and prosecute
Community representation
Body cams/film the police
End for-profit policing
Fair police union contracts
1. Critically analyze and discuss how each of these changes, if enacted into law, would change the dynamics of the interactions between law enforcement officers and minorities.
*Friendly reminder the reference list does not count towards the (total assignment) word count minimum. You must have 3 scholarly sources, one source can be the textbook provided in the course.
Course Text Book:
McNamara, R., & Burns, R. (2020). Multiculturalism, Crime, and Criminal Justice (2nd ed.). Oxford University Press Academic US.
Unit 7 Completion Question
This week for your Unit Assignment you will research and answer the following questions below. The total assignment must be a (minimum of 2,000-word count) and five scholarly sources. Your textbook may be used as a source. Use in-text citations and remember to cite your sources in APA format. Be sure to follow instructions and answer each part of the question completely, failure to do so will result in a 10-point reduction per question. I will check the word count for this assignment and deduct an additional 10 points if the paper does not meet the minimum requirements stated above. Encyclopedias and Dictionaries are not appropriate research sources at this level. No Wikipedia! All research sources must be current (generally that means published within the past 10 years). Do not self-plagiarize from previous assignments!
General Instructions: Assignment Part 2
What are the benefits of multiculturalism?
What are the drawbacks of multiculturalism?
Explain the difference in the term multiculturalism and the more antiquated term melting pot.
Scholarly Reference used in your response.
*Friendly reminder the reference list does not count towards the (total assignment) 2000-word count minimum. You must have 5 scholarly sources, one source can be the textbook provided in the course. Do not forget to number and answer each question separately!
Course Text Book:
McNamara, R., & Burns, R. (2020). Multiculturalism, Crime, and Criminal Justice (2nd ed.). Oxford University Press Academic US.


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