This week, you’re learning some of the characteristics that will help you practi


This week, you’re learning some of the characteristics that will help you practi

This week, you’re learning some of the characteristics that will help you practice your relationship-building skill (trust, mutual respect, mindfulness, diversity and inclusion, and open communication).
Discuss how you are applying at least one of these characteristics in your life right now at home, work, or school.
Before you post, remember these rules:
Professionalism: Using personal examples within discussions is encouraged in the course. However, please remember to share only appropriate topics that you might also share with a colleague, potential employer, or professor. Ask yourself, “Would I share this example in an interview?” If the answer is no, refrain from sharing it here.
Respond with respect: Respond to at least one learner in the class by offering thoughtful ideas and respectfully asking follow-up questions. This is a learning community where your peers and myself will learn and grow from reading your posts. Be mindful of your tone when responding to the main prompt and your peers.
Proofread: While discussions are less formal than papers, this is an academic environment, and your writing will be assessed. Please be careful to check your grammar/spelling.
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Optional: Want to submit a video or audio response instead? How to Respond to a Discussion Using Video or Audio with Kaltura [PDF] Classmate Post:I have to use the characteristic of Mutual respect at home daily. I live in a house with seven other women, so being respectful is a big thing. We all come from different backgrounds and go through different situations daily. So everyone is not going to be on the same page. It is important to be respectful of others. This makes a happier household when you can be aware of other’s situations. I always give respect where respect is due. It is very polite to have manners. I was raised to treat people how you would like to be treated and be considerate. You never know what people have gone through unless they tell you.


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