I am a master’s student . The exam comprises three questions focused on Carbon S


I am a master’s student . The exam comprises three questions focused on Carbon S

I am a master’s student . The exam comprises three questions focused on Carbon Storage, Geothermal Energy, and Hydrogen Storage (Course work). I am seeking concise, direct answers to these questions using the proper resources. I have also attached the paper where you can find the tables
• Detailed Solutions: Include thorough explanations, detailed solutions, and relevant insights for each question.
• Graphs and Tables: Always include graphs and tables to support your answers and achieve full marks.
• Python Code: Provide the Python code used to generate any graphs or tables.
Additionally, attached are detailed guidelines on solving the questions, as well as a sample question and answer provided by the professor for your reference as the way he wants the questions to be answered.
Also, I have attached my friend work (from last year) as a reference. You can use it as a reference and guide. It is worth noting that he did not get full mark.
References you can used:
CO2 storage you can use:
• Post-combustion capture technology. §4 in Bui, M., Adjiman, C. S., Bardow, A., Anthony, E. J., Boston, A., Brown, S., … & Mac Dowell, N. (2018). Carbon capture and storage (CCS): the way forward. Energy & Environmental Science, 11(5), 1062-1176. Available as a pdf through the Imperial College Library
• Kim, S., Dusseault, M., Babarinde, O., & Wickens, J. (2023). Compressed air energy storage (CAES): current status, geomechanical aspects and future opportunities. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 528(1), SP528-2022.
• Krevor, S., Blunt, M. J., Trusler, J. P. M., & De Simone, S. (2019). An introduction to subsurface CO2 storage. Ch 8 in Carbon capture and storage, 26, 238-295. Royal Society of Chemistry . Available as a pdf through the Imperial College Library
• Krevor, S., de Coninck, H., Gasda, S. E., Ghaleigh, N. S., de Gooyert, V., Hajibeygi, H., … & Swennenhuis, F. (2023). Subsurface carbon dioxide and hydrogen storage for a sustainable energy future. Nature Reviews Earth & Environment, 1-17.
• MacKay, D. J. (2008). Sustainable Energy–without the hot air. UIT cambridge. Available at https://www.withouthotair.com/
• Miocic, J., Heinemann, N., Edlmann, K., Scafidi, J., Molaei, F., & Alcalde, J. (2023). Underground hydrogen storage: A review. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 528(1), SP528-2022.
• Zhang, Y., Jackson, C., & Krevor, S. (2022). An Estimate of the Amount of Geological CO2 Storage over the Period of 1996–2020. Environmental Science & Technology Letters, 9(8), 693-698.
Hydrogen Storage you can use:
• Miocic et al. (2023) Underground hydrogen storage: a review
• Miocic et al. (2023) Underground hydrogen storage: a review in Enabling Secure Subsurface Storage in Future Energy Systems. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 528
• Heinemann et al. (2023) Enabling large-scale hydrogen storage in porous media – the scientific challenges, Energy & Environmental Science, 14, 853


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