Case Study – Salim, Hamad and Nasser, and the Client’s Campaign In a busy market


Case Study – Salim, Hamad and Nasser, and the Client’s Campaign
In a busy market

Case Study – Salim, Hamad and Nasser, and the Client’s Campaign
In a busy marketing agency, Salim, Hamad, and Nasser are part of a team responsible for
managing a high-profile client campaign. Salim, the project manager, sends his secretary to
Hamad’s office to hand him a file that has important documents and instructions about an
important task related to the project with a post-it note saying “As soon as possible!”. Salim
expected the task to be completed within the day. Hamad, already struggling with multiple
assignments, feels overwhelmed but as he has been waiting for promotion for a long time, he
decides not to inform Salim about his mounting workload, hoping to manage it all independently
and to impress him.
As the day progresses, Hamad finds himself buried under an unexpected influx of urgent tasks,
leaving him unable to dedicate sufficient time to Salim’s assignment. Despite his best efforts, he
realizes he will not meet the deadline but hesitates to inform Salim, fearing his disappointment
and his decision to delegate the task to someone else.
Meanwhile, Nasser, who sits nearby and is aware of the task’s importance, overhears Salim
expressing frustration over the delayed completion. Without verifying the situation with Hamad
or Salim, Nasser jumps to conclusions, assuming that Hamad is slacking off and not prioritizing
the project. Frustrated by what he perceives as incompetence, Nasser’s irritation simmers until
it reaches a boiling point.
Approaching Hamad with thinly veiled hostility, Nasser confronts him in front of other colleagues,
shouts at him and accusing him of neglecting his responsibilities out of incompetence and
selfishness, hence putting the client’s campaign at risk of failure. He says in a loud voice, with
the intention of making sure Salim hears him, “You shouldn’t belong to this place because you
care only for your own interests. The company’s interests are the least of your concerns. You are
really selfish” Hamad, taken by surprise at Nasser’s sudden aggression, struggles to respond
amidst the accusatory tone. He defensively explains his workload and how he has been stretched
thin, but Nasser’s anger only escalates, and fueled by his assumption of Hamad’s intentions and
by some old grudge, he was about to start a fistfight.
Salim, hearing the tension from across the office, rushes over to intervene. With a mix of
confusion and concern, he attempts to mediate the situation and clarify the miscommunication.
However, his efforts are hindered by the already heightened emotions in the room.
The Case-study questions:
1. List three oral and three written methods for delivering messages. Did Salim, Hamad and
Nasser choose the best methods for communicating with each other in an effective manner?
2. Explain what encoding and decoding mean. Refer to the given scenario to describe how
effective was the communication between the three people. Was the encoding and decoding
3. Help Hamad by suggesting what he should do next to communicate his workload
constraints to his manager effectively. How can he convince Salim and Nasser that it was not
negligence of his duties but just a matter of time constraint due to his workload?
Requirements of the assignment:
 You are required to write a 1350-1500-word analytical essay that answers the following
given case study questions.
 You are expected to support your arguments with substantial research-based content.
 Concepts of communication should be referred to.
 Use a minimum of five references in both in-text and end-reference list – Harvard
Referencing Style. (References are not included in the word limit.)
Format and Deadline:
 The essay should be uploaded, via Turnitin, before the given deadline, ideally in a word
file (.docx).
 Please ensure you use your name and student ID number as the file name for your
assignment (e.g. Ali ST06708).
 Do not leave the submission of your assignment until the last minute, so that if you
encounter any difficulties submitting your assignment, you have time to resolve them
before the deadline.


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