Before your workshop, read Chapter 7 of The Healing Gods, “How Did CAT Become M


Before your workshop, read Chapter 7 of The Healing Gods, “How Did CAT Become M

Before your workshop, read Chapter 7 of The Healing Gods, “How Did CAT Become Mainstream?” Also in The Healing Gods read the last chapter, “Conclusion: Why Does it Matter if CAT is Religious and Not Christian, Even If it Works?”
In the Biblical Guide to Alternative Medicine use Appendix B- Scientific Research Results to find introductory information about the CAT you are investigating.
Locate and read at least three research studies/scholarly articles from the nursing databases available through OCLS. An additional option of a resources is to interview a practitioner of the therapy if that is available; do not compromise your safety to do an interview and do not participate in the CAT.
In your report, clearly state your analysis, evaluation, and conclusions related to the CAT:
A concise descriiption of the CAT.
Address all of the parts of the Five Part Grid from the Biblical Guide to Alternative Therapy text to evaluate the CAT. Then identify which part of the five part grid is best to evaluate this particular therapy.
The CAT’s potential for adverse reactions.
Based on your search of scholarly research studies from the OCLS, evaluate the efficacy of the CAT; what is the likelihood of a placebo effect with this CAT?
Identify the usefulness of the CAT
Identify the worldview and culture most closely associated with this CAT.
Is the CAT compatible with a biblical worldview?
Do you believe it is ethical to recommend this therapy to a client? Name the ethical principle that applies. Would you use it yourself? Why or why not?
Follow the assessment criteria to address:
In addition to the course textbooks, utilize a minimum of three other scholarly sources from the OCLS library databases. Be sure to check the Cochrane Database for systematic reviews and meta-analysis reports. There is a list of scholarly resources you can find in OCLS under NUR 237 Resources.
Common Internet resources such as Wikipedia, WebMD, and are not recognized as scholarly resources for coursework.
Write your three to five-page paper, in third person and maintain professional-level writing, without contractions, free of spelling and grammar errors. 
Proofread your paper for grammar, spelling, and APA errors. Use the Grammarly tool to check a plagiarism report as well as punctuation and grammar.


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