1. Read: Discussion Background Welcome to your EDUOO Week 1 Discussion! As you d


1. Read: Discussion Background
Welcome to your EDUOO Week 1 Discussion! As you d

1. Read: Discussion Background
Welcome to your EDUOO Week 1 Discussion! As you develop a deeper understanding of adult online non-traditional learners, think about how this can directly impact instructor-student interactions. For example, which new strategies will you need to learn or demonstrate in order to provide an environment of learning for your students?
For this discussion, review the ‘Profile of an Online Learner’ and use the insights you gain to help you answer the discussion prompts.
2. Initial Post: Create a new thread and answer all three parts of the initial prompt below
Introduce yourself to your instructor and classmates. Be sure to include the following:
Explain why it is important to understand the principles of adult learning in your role.
Describe one strategy or learning principle that you can implement in the courseroom to engage your learners.
Describe how understanding your learners’ needs (Maslow) can provide an opportunity to strengthen the instructor-student relationship.


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