This assignment will bring together the information from the previous three assi


This assignment will bring together the information from the previous three assi

This assignment will bring together the information from the previous three assignments to create a presentation to your senior management team. Integrating the HR data elements, using the communication plan, and following the process map will create a presentation that will validate your recommendations concerning the recruiting resources for the organization.
Using previously established data analysis, communication plans, and the project process map, create a presentation to the senior leadership team that will make a case for increasing, decreasing, or keeping stable the recruiting resources of the organization.
Your presentation will need to include the current situation, provide the supporting data in numbers as well as graphs, and make your recommendation again supported by data and graphs. Costs are important and must be supported by your data and graphs. Remember, you are selling these recommendations to the leadership team.
The presentation must include:
The problem to be solved, why the problem exists, and the impact on the organization
The data that supports the problem. Typically this shows current historical (year over year, quarter over quarter) data
Predictive data to show the future
Recommendations and solutions supported by data and graphs
PowerPoint is the medium typically used to present this type of information and is the required format for this assignment. The presentation should consist of 10 to 12 slides with a minimum of six data graphics.
I will attach more files for your reference. Let me know if you have any questions. You need to use the Assignment 2 file for data points for this presentation. Just follow the instructions.


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