The HVAC Company specializes in the installation of heating, ventilation, and ai


The HVAC Company specializes in the installation of heating, ventilation, and ai

The HVAC Company specializes in the installation of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning in large projects such as domed stadiums, military bases, airports, and multi-storied buildings. Its contracts usually take two to three years to complete and, at any fiscal year end, this percentage of work completed represents a sizable percentage of its assets. The company is privately held and has a senior management group whose compensation is based almost entirely on the earnings results for the year. As the CFO, you have been reviewing the year-end estimated percentage of completion figures, which have been provided to you by the project managers responsible for the completion of the various contracts. This year has not been as successful or as active as previous ones, and the two senior founders of the company have asked you to bring in a net income figure at least equal to the last couple of years. In your mind you know that the project managers’ estimates are somewhat fluid, and you have been contemplating making the requested adjustments.
Answer the following question:
· How would you handle the request of the two senior partners?
· What additional analysis can you draw from the information. Please think about what possibly could be going on within the scenario other than the issues you analyze for answering the questions. Do some additional critical thinking


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