Please look at the example and do it in the right way and send it Microsoft word


Please look at the example and do it in the right way and send it Microsoft word

Please look at the example and do it in the right way and send it Microsoft word.
Prompt. I have completed a number of ANOVA tests using the following variables from the GSS – a national random sample done by a reputable research entity. Note: This is the 2012 data, not the same as what we’re using for the DAP! (For more info on the GSS, visit their website: gss.norc.orgLinks to an external site.
Each of the discussions in this area has one main nominal (or ordinal) variable – and the output from a number of tests with different variables. Choose only one of these nominal/ordinal variables: Class, Degree, Happiness, Life. Download and Open this file and find the tests with the nominal/ordinal variable you chose. Please check the uploaded file.
Then Choose ONE of the tests to discuss , so choose one ANOVA test to interpret (your first post) and then discuss (with at least two other posts) those and other findings within that same discussion. In the file, there are two sets of output. The first box of output has the general statistics – the mean, N, and standard deviation. The second box has the test results…
Figure or find the df’s (df between and df within) and, using an alpha of 0.05, find the critical value of the test statistic (- Critical Value of F for ANOVA).
Make a decision about the null hypothesis – accept or reject.
Interpret your findings – is there a relationship between these two variables? If so, what is the nature of that relationship? (Refer to the means or percents) Speculate on why these findings might be as they are.
Here is an example. Please do it correct and send it as a microsoft word.
H1: Social Class and TV hours are related.
H0: Social Class and TV hours are NOT related.
The test statistic: F= 11.841
Critical Value of T= 2.60
df between= 3
df within= 1282
I have to reject the H0 hypothesis there is a relationship.
It’s statistically significant that the lower class watches more TV (4.37). While the upperclass have watched the least amount of TV (2.37). This would imply that the upper class can do more outside activities or do more things with the money they have compared to the lower class not being able to do these actions and instead stay home and watch TV.


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