Objective: The objective of this assignment is to deepen your understanding of b


The objective of this assignment is to deepen your understanding of b

The objective of this assignment is to deepen your understanding of basic circuits by designing and analyzing a circuit comprising essential components like resistors and batteries. Through this assignment, you will not only construct a circuit but also reinforce your knowledge by performing relevant calculations to support your design.
1. Design a Basic Circuit:
– Create a simple circuit consisting of at three resistors or more and one battery.
– Choose appropriate values for the resistor(s) and battery voltage to ensure the circuit operates within safe limits.
– Use circuit design software (e.g., , Multisim) or physical components if available.
2. Calculate Circuit Parameters:
– Calculate the total resistance (R_total) of the circuit.
– Determine the total current (I_total) flowing through the circuit.
– Compute the voltage drop across each resistor (if multiple resistors are used).
– Ensure you understand and apply Ohm’s Law (V = I * R) and series/parallel resistor configurations if applicable.
3. Prepare Presentation:
– Create a presentation (slides or video format) explaining your circuit design and calculations.
– Include the following elements:
– Introduction to the circuit components used (resistors, batteries).
– Schematic diagram of the circuit.
– Explanation of how the circuit operates.
– Step-by-step calculation of circuit parameters (total resistance, total current, voltage drops).
– Any assumptions made during the design process.
– Safety considerations, if any.
– Use clear visuals and concise explanations to communicate your design effectively.


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