its for an assignment university examn. Its about visual culture and history. Al


its for an assignment university examn. Its about visual culture and history. Al

its for an assignment university examn. Its about visual culture and history. Alot of cinema history from different cinemtographic techniques, to sociological input. i have acess to all the relevant biblography and can send all the texts etc that are relevant. It doesn′t need to be an A grade just around C-D grade for me to pass the class. it needs too contain ATLEAST 4100 words. 4500 10% +/-. where the title and biblography doesn′t count. please use right apa.7 or harvard reference technique too! doesn′t need to be top notch quality just a C-D grade.
I don′t get access too the essay question before 21. may 2024 and it has to be done 23. may 2024 before 19:00 Norwegian time (19:00 CEST)


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