For this essay you will be applying the Aristotelian appeals (ethical, logical,


For this essay you will be applying the Aristotelian appeals (ethical, logical,

For this essay you will be applying the Aristotelian appeals (ethical, logical, and emotional) to the rhetoric of two TED Talks. While there are similarities in their rhetorical approaches, there are also some differences.
Your task is to complete the following: Write three body paragrahs and Works Cited.
Body Paragraphs: In three body paragrahs, which integrates your analysis of both talks, write a reasoned position on which speech is more rhetorically effective in appealing to the intended audience. Each paragraph is 250 words.
A. Write a topic sentence, addressing the ethical appeal in one paragraph, the logical appeal in the second paragraph, and the emotional appeal (pathos) in the third paragraph.
B. Examine, evaluate, and compare/contrast the rhetorical strategies used by both speakers.
Support your topic sentence with abundant evidence to convince your readers that your topic sentence is sound. Make logical connections between parts of your evidence.
Choose one organizational patterns, arranging your paragraphs subject-by-subject or point-by-point.
C. Use transitions to make your text readable and coherent.
D. Provide your own commentaries, explaining to your readers your position. Avoid using “I”, “WE”, or “YOU”.
E. Write a concluding sentence. Expand your topic sentence into your concluding sentence that makes clear your position, which should be one that grows logically from your analysis and discussion of the issues.
All body paragraph should be placed an a logical order maintaining a clear relation to the introduction and thesis. Details must be correctly cited, using MLA parenthetical citation format in the text of the essay. For example, ….(Silva) or ….(Partov).
Works Cited:
Cite the documentaries that you used for your analysis.
You can find Works Cited in 1.4 MLA Fortmat. Review. Pages 8-9.

N.B! Use the following strategies to write effective body paragraphs:
A. To evaluate the ethical appeal: (Ethos (authors’ credibility):
Questions to ask:
1. What does this speaker/writer do to seem knowledgeable about the topic?
2. What are the speaker/writer’s biases and values?
3. What seems to be the speaker/writer’s mood?
4. What is the speaker/writer’s approach to the topic: formal/informal, logical/illogical, emotional. distant, factual, or personal).
Things to look for…
5. Uses credible sources
6. Accurately cites sources
7. Appears to have experience and authority
8. Establishes common values and beliefs as the audience
9. Uses the appropriate language for the genre
10. Appropriate tone: knows the audience and context of situation
B. Logos (reasons and evidence
1. What does the speaker/writer’s purpose for her/his presentation?
2. What claims does the speaker/writer make about the topic?
3. What types of evidence does the speaker/writer rely upon?
4. Are the types of evidence used persuasive?
5. To what extent does the intended audience share the values and beliefs of the speaker/author (is the speaker/writer persuading a friendly, hostile, or neural audience?)
Things to look for…
6. Draw from philosophy and logic
7. Use facts and statistics
8. Define terms
9. Explain ideas
10. Use cause and effect reasoning
11. Provide the details that come from objective reporting
12. Logical reasons and explanation
13. Acknowledge a counter argument and rebut it.
C. Pathos (evoke emotions and interest in the topic)
1. What does the speaker do to influence the listener to identify with the speaker?
2. What does the speaker do to establish a relationship with the listener?
3. What does the speaker do to influence the listener to identify with the assumed audience for the presentation?
4. What does the speaker do to influence the reader to identify with particular interests, values, or benefits?
5. What does the speaker do to influence the listener to engage in the topic?
Things to look for…
6. Uses stories or testimonials, personal anecdotes
7. Attempt to make personal connections
8. Uses imagery and figurative language intended to provoke an emotional response
9. Uses visual images or words that inspire empathy or compassion towards the idea/topic
10. Uses powerful words, phrases, or images that may sir up emotion.
Your sources:
Watch TED TALK: “Back to Basics: An Argument for Organic Food Food.” Daniela Garabito Silva.
Links to an external site.
Watch TED TALK: Why is organic food so *#@! expensive?? Ali Partov.


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