Draft a Pro forma on an Office Based Lab (OBL) for a medical group of nephrologi


Draft a Pro forma on an Office Based Lab (OBL) for a medical group of nephrologi

Draft a Pro forma on an Office Based Lab (OBL) for a medical group of nephrologists in San Diego, CA. Include an opening statement clarifying that the pro forma is based on assumptions, averages, and estimates.
Use the following data attached to draft a complete pro forma outlining revenue projections based off 3-9 vascular procedures per day and a 3-day, 6 hours per day work week. With the average revenue of those procedures being $1800 per case. Outline expected GPM and NPM over the period of one month, one quarter, and annually. Use Volume and Revenue reports provided.
Using Charges and Revenue reports attached for VHC, Include a carve-out for the Vascular Health Clinic (VHC) operating within the space 2 days per week.
Does 1 Operating room and 2 recovery bays allow you to see 9 vascular patients in a day? If so, if the average throughput is 40 minutes, with 25 minutes being utilized in the OR, how many hours will be required to see all 9 patients.
Outline the COGs associated with an Office Based Lab to include rent, utilities, professional fees, computer/internet, Insurance, labor expenses (Staff wages/benefits), Repairs/Maintenance, and Medical Supplies. Use Budget provided.
Using the figures attached and the revenue determined from above, outline the average cost per day, month, and annually. Calculate the percent of revenue for each of the COGs outlined below. Also include a column for MGMA’s National Benchmarks for Vascular Access Centers in California in 2024
Monthly COGS:
Utilities: $2,200
Professional Fees (Accounting, Payroll): $140
Computer/Internet: $3,460
Wages and Benefits: $39,336
Repairs/Maintenance (Build Out $75,000 first 12 months): $6,250
Medical Supplies: $18,500
Total. $74,865
Calculate the Gross Profit Margin and Net Profit Margin. Discuss the profit generated in detail from the core operations of the business.
Calculate the average gross revenue per procedure.
Outline ongoing expenses related to rent, utilities, salaries, and administrative costs and discuss opportunities to reduce costs.
Include a staffing pro forma summary outlining the following staff working for 4 hours a day, three days a week. Calculate staffing costs associated with a 4 hour a day 3 days a week.
1 LVN: $35.00 per hour
1 Intra – Op RN: $45.00 per hour
1 Recovery RN: $45.00 per hour
1 Surgical / US Tech: $35.00 per hour
1 Radiology Tech: $42.00 per hour
1 Physician: $330 per hour
Renovations will need to be done to the space to accommodate ADA requirements. These modifications include moving an OR door, removing walls, relocating an electrical box, building out additional storage space in the recovery bay, new flooring, and paint. Factoring in a $75,000 renovation cost, calculate and project cash flow to determine if the business will have enough cash to cover its expenses and investments over a 12 month period.
Include a break-even analysis of the business. Include data to support the point at which the OBL’s revenue will equal its total expenses, resulting in neither profit nor loss. Identify the minimum revenue needed to cover costs and start generating profits.


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