My topic for this essay is ” Epicurus claims: “It is impossible to live pleasant


My topic for this essay is ” Epicurus claims: “It is impossible to live pleasant

My topic for this essay is ” Epicurus claims: “It is impossible to live pleasantly without living wisely and honorably and justly.” In other words, one cannot be (fully) happy without also being a morally good person. Argue for or against this claim, drawing upon the ideas of at least two authors from the course”
I want to argue that it is possible to be fully happy without being a morally good person
The two authors that I will be drawing upon the ideas from is Jean-Paul Sartre from his philosophical essay called “Existentialism Is a Humanism.” Link for the reading is down below:
and the second author is Simone de Beauvoir from her philosophical work called ” The Ethics of Ambiguity.” Link for the reading is down below:
Please read these two readings and base my arguments off of these two authors including quotes from the readings provided. I only want this essay to be based on these two readings and no outside sources.
Required essay mechanics:
• MLA style (10th edition): including typed, double-spaced, 12-point font size text, with 1-inch
margins on all sides, and identifying information and essay title on the first page;
• good writing style, including proper sentence and paragraph structure, proper grammar,
punctuation, and organization;
• effective use of quotations and paraphrases used to support your thesis; they must be
identified by parenthetical in-text citation according to the MLA style;
• include a Works Cited page with full bibliographic citations of the texts, following MLA style;


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