Length: The final essay must be at least 6 full pages of writing (so make sure y


Length: The final essay must be at least 6 full pages of writing (so make sure y

Length: The final essay must be at least 6 full pages of writing (so make sure your essay goes onto a page 7 to be safe) using a 12-point Times New Roman font, standard margins and double spacing. It must have MLA formatted in-text citations throughout the essay and documenting your quotations, paraphrases, and summaries, as well as any references to sources that you analyze or critique. PLEASE NOTE THAT ANY GRAPHICS, CHARTS, TABLES, PHOTOS, OR OTHER INSERTS YOU MAY USE DO NOT COUNT AS PART OF YOUR PAGE COUNT.
The essay must also have a separate Works Cited page (which also does NOT count as part of your minimum 6 full pages of writing). The Works Cited must have a minimum of FIVE outside sources that you have referenced in the essay and that correspond to your in-text citations. Failure to have at least five sources will also cause the essay to fail. The entire essay and Works Cited must be MLA formatted. Do NOT use a different format like APA. USING A DIFFERENT FORMAT WILL CAUSE YOUR ESSAY TO FAIL.
Approach: You will argue a position concerning an issue that relates to your chosen profession (or, if you do not have a “chosen profession,” a career, field, or profession that interests you). Your research should come from credible sources. In your final essay, you will reference five outside sources to support your points.
You will begin by identifying specific career-related controversies in the field, and then you will choose one controversy to focus on for your essay; then, you will research the controversy, select relevant sources related to your topic, generate ideas, and develop a working thesis.
Your final essay should be detailed in terms of content, evidence, sources, and support. The topic should be tight and focused, and your position should be responsibly, persuasively, and credibly argued. As with any strong argument essay, you should:
Begin with a focused introduction
Support your argument with a series of focused body paragraphs
Conclude with a focused conclusion in which you sum up your main points and emphasize the significance of your argument
Reference outside sources smoothly and effectively to illustrate points and to support claims
Demonstrate awareness of your rhetorical situation in terms of purpose and audience
Address and respond to counterarguments
Format the essay MLA style
Maintain an effective balance of ethos, pathos, and logos
Convey your points through professional academic writing
Maintain crisp, clear prose
Ensure that your finished essay is free of errors
Your final essay should clearly state your position on the specific career-related controversy in the field, demonstrate your understanding of your sources’ arguments, and address and respond to them, presenting counterarguments when necessary. Each paragraph should have a clear a topic sentence and appropriate transitions to connect ideas.


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