Final Service-Learning Evaluation Form Due and Brief Reflection Start Date & Tim


Final Service-Learning Evaluation Form Due and Brief Reflection
Start Date & Tim

Final Service-Learning Evaluation Form Due and Brief Reflection
Start Date & Time
May 6, 2024, 12:00 AM
Assessment Description
After you complete Final Service-Learning Evaluation Form and have the agency supervisor sign off on the document, write a 300-350-word reflection on your Service-Learning Experience. Addressing the following in your reflection:
Explain two-three areas that you enjoyed learning about during your service-learning experience. How will you incorporate these areas into your practice as a future social worker?
Explain two to three areas that were a challenge to you during your service-learning experience. Did you overcome those challenges? If so, how? If not, what prevented you from overcoming the challenges?
How did this service-learning experience help you to learn about the field of social work?
While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected.
Submit the completed Final Service-Learning Evaluation Form with the necessary signatures to your instructor along with your Service-Learning reflection. In addition, submit the Service-Learning Hours Log.


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