Community Outreach Review [WLOs: 1 and 2] [CLOs: 2, 4, and 5] Prior to beginning


Community Outreach Review
[WLOs: 1 and 2] [CLOs: 2, 4, and 5]
Prior to beginning

Community Outreach Review
[WLOs: 1 and 2] [CLOs: 2, 4, and 5]
Prior to beginning work on this assignment,
Read Chapters 9, 10, and 12 from Essentials of Psychology.
Watch Teaching design for changeLinks to an external site..
Read the Overview of the Community Outreach Programs Download Overview of the Community Outreach Programs.
This week’s introduction video shows Jennifer, a consultant working to improve wellbeing by applying psychological principles in an occupational setting. Individuals with the knowledge and skills acquired in a graduate psychology program can also help improve lives in their communities by learning to evaluate the needs of people and make evidence-based recommendations for community outreach.
In this assignment, you will examine the application of psychological concepts to a community outreach program.
In your paper,
Describe the selected program, which is The Fresh Start Women’s Foundation, including its purpose and outreach efforts.
Connect the selected program to a relevant psychological concept or concepts from the course textbook.
Identify ethical concerns, bias, or issues of diversity, equity, inclusivity, and belongingness that may arise from the application of this program.
Provide an evidence-based argument to support continuing, revising, or ending the current program by considering the following:
Does the program accomplish its stated objectives?
How do you know?
What does the research say that aligns the selected program to the psychological concept?
Assignment Requirement
The Community Outreach Overview paper,
must be a minimum of two to three double-spaced pages in length (not including title and reference pages) and formatted according to APA StyleLinks to an external site..
must include a separate title page with the following in title case:
title of paper in bold font
space should appear between the title and the rest of the information on the title page.
student’s name
name of institution (The University of Arizona Global Campus)
course name and number
instructor’s name
due date
must utilize academic voice.
must include an introduction and conclusion paragraph.
Your introduction paragraph needs to end with a clear thesis statement that indicates the purpose of your paper.
must use at least two scholarly, peer-reviewed, credible sources in addition to the course text (I cannot provide the textbook).
If you have questions about whether a specific source is appropriate for this assignment, please contact your instructor. Your instructor has the final say about the appropriateness of a specific source.
must document any information used from sources in APA Style.
must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA Style as outlined in the Writing Center.


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