1. Book summery on “Tim Keller” Preaching. 2. A summery of the book 3. A list of


1. Book summery on “Tim Keller” Preaching. 2. A summery of the book 3. A list of

1. Book summery on “Tim Keller” Preaching. 2. A summery of the book 3. A list of strengths of the book 4. A list of weaknesses of the book 5. A quoted sentence of paragraph that best reflects the author’s thesis 6. An explanation of why you chose the quoted sentence or paragraph from above. 7. Length: 3 pages minimum and 5 max 8. Margins: 1 inch on all sides 9. Font: 12 points, Arial, double spaced 10. Sources: none required 11. Style: Terabian


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