Watch the following videos. Video 1: What is Plagiarism? Video 2: Paraphrasing a


Watch the following videos.
Video 1: What is Plagiarism?
Video 2: Paraphrasing a

Watch the following videos.
Video 1: What is Plagiarism?
Video 2: Paraphrasing and Avoiding Plagiarism
After you watch both videos:
Write 2 paragraphs in which you summarize the content of each video. In other words, you must write 1 paragraph summarizing video 1 and another paragraph summarizing video 2. Each paragraph must have no less than 8 sentences and 150 words or more. Also, each paragraph must have a topic sentence, supporting details, and a concluding sentence.
Additional instructions that you must follow:
-You must respond to one of your peers for full credit
-Use Times New Roman font.
-Do not use informal language: contractions (isn’t, wasn’t, aren’t, etc.), informal (slang) words/expressions.
-Use transitional words: first, another, also, however, therefore, furthermore, etc.
*Late submissions will be graded with the following penalties:
1-2 days late: 10 points will be deducted
3-5 days late: 20 points will be deducted
more than 5 days late: 30 points will be deducted
**Any Discussion assisted by any Artificial Intelligence software will not be accepted, and it will be considered an act of academic dishonesty.
***DO NOT attach your discussion as an external link or document; WRITE it or paste it in the box below so that I can view it and grade it.
****Please, read the Evaluation rubric on the right hand side to know how your discussion will be graded.


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