Please see below. i have also attached the first week page and here is the feedb


Please see below. i have also attached the first week page and here is the feedb

Please see below. i have also attached the first week page and here is the feedback from that paper. Feedback from attached paper, looking to improve on this one
The title page was not compliant lacking with 4-6 page deliverables for the introduction without title and reference pages. More depth in discussing strategic human resource initiatives, the best employee engagement practices etc by giving more detail of what they currently are by researching. One reference for 4-6 pages may be insufficient. The title page is incomplete. The proposal is not part of an introduction and should be removed
The project deliverables must include the following:
Update the management research document title page with a new date and project name.
Update the previously completed sections based on instructor feedback.
New content (Week 2)Literature reviewIn addition to the initial 8 articles, locate an additional 10–12 sources for use in creating the literature review.
Organize all of the information found by themes that relate in some way to the problem and present what you have found.
Make sure that all sources are cited within the text and listed in the reference section.
Name the document Your name_MGMT659_IP2.doc.
Please submit your assignment.
For assistance with your assignment, please use your textbook, all course resources, and any external research and resources you have gathered.
ExpectationPoints PossiblePoints EarnedComments
The sources are summarized and discussed by themes that relate to different perspectives of the problem.
A minimum of 18 sources have been cited and referenced and the OV score is less than 10%.
All statements of fact have been cited within the paper and no source is listed in the reference section that wasn’t discussed in the literature review.
Appropriate subheadings were used to organize the information, reflecting the themes used for discussion.
Professional Language: Assignment contains accurate grammar, spelling, and/or punctuation with few or no errors. (APA formatting is required or style specified in assignment).10
Total Points
Total Points Earned


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