Plan You now have the tools to follow your interests while integrating the CA He


You now have the tools to follow your interests while integrating the CA He

You now have the tools to follow your interests while integrating the CA Health Standards into your classroom! You will use the skills you learned in the prior modules to create a lesson plan for the grade and area of interest you mentioned in the Prep Discussion.
1. Use each module to ensure you are covering each step correctly.
2. Return to the original discussion and recall your grade, content area and standard of interest. Can’t recall? Here is a link to the discussion to find your area of interest. Prep Discussion.
3. Follow the below exactly. Assignments submitted out of format will get a -50%. Assignments straight from AI will get -75%. If you use AI or the internet, make it your own, put it in the format so the work is yours.
Resources you may need: Go to: The California Health Education Content Standards
Fill out the following lesson plan. Steps 1-3 are the same as Discussion 1 and 2.
1. Grade:
2. Content Area:
3. Standard (category, number and written):
4. Academic Subject: Coordinate an academic area into your activity that is age appropriate (math, science, history, english (aka language arts).
5. Concept Preparation: 3-5 sentences of an age-appropriate overview of the topic to say to your students. This should tell them the key learning points. For example, :Today you will learn about … “I want you to understand how to…”. “This is important because…” You can even work in questions such as “Who knows why ____ is important?” Have an idea for an instructional aid for 100% credit.
6. Activity: Describe a hands on or active learning experience that meets your goal as well as adds in an academic concept. This is like Discussion 3. If you got your idea online, share the link. You cannot use the same activity you already have used in an assignment or one that a peer has posted already.
7. Resources: This is similar to Discussion 2 on finding resources. Share a resource for your activity such as a worksheet, take home handout, poster to color, cut outs, readings etc. You must have a resource to share.
8. Learning Summary Conclusion: Write a short 3-5 sentence summary stating what the learning points and recap to the students. For example, “today we learned that…. The steps to accomplish this are… We also worked in a ____ lesson on.”
9. Supplies Needed:
1. Grade: 4th
2. Content Area: Nutrition and Physical Activity
3. Standard (category, number and written): Essential Concepts: 1.5.N Explain how food can contain germs that cause illness
4. Academic Subject: Science
Concept Preparation: I would have a quick lesson about how germs spread. (Touching the face, eating/preparing food with unwashed hand, touching contaminated surfaces, sneeze/cough and then touch others or objects) I would have blown up photos to pass around of what germs look like magnified and talk about how they are invisible to the naked eye. Then I would explain dirty hands carry microbes that can grow mold just like viruses can spread and bacteria can make you sick.
Resources: I would review handwashing techniques and time as recommended by the CDC as well as print up some of these handouts for my classroom ( to an external site.development/how-to-wash-hands.htm)Links to an external site.
Activity: Hands and Bread Experiment (20 mins) Have the kids touch several surfaces in the class (doorknob, table and lunchboxes). Then they rub their hands on plain white bread. The kids then wash their hands, clean the surfaces and do the same bread touching. They put the bread in individual bags, labeled and watch over time period for growth of mold. Hands and Bread Experiment
The academic portion would be they do steps 1 and 2 of the scientific method (devise a question and make a prediction) as well as learn about microbes.
Learning Summary Conclusion: After the students waited the required grow time, we would have a classroom discussion with the following questions. “Who had different growth on the bread?” “Which bread had more growth, the unwashed or washed”? “Who predicted that correctly”? “What is a good way to stop the spread of germs?” (answer handwashing). Then I would review the handwashing video and time.
Supplies Needed: pictures of germs blown up, 2 loaves white bread, ziploc baggies
Points 65Criteria
5Format (3) Used Stated Interest Area from Prep Discussion (2)
2Academic Subject
10Concept Preparation: 3-5 sentences clearly showing background of lesson and goal (6) age-appropriate (4)
5Resources: Include a supportive educational aid for preparation
25Activity: Age appropriate (5), Interactive (5), Meets health standard (5), Meets academic need (5), clarity (5)-we should be able to use this
5link or lesson aid
10Learning Summary Conclusion: Provide a lesson wrap up for the students
Lesson Plan
Lesson Plan
This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeFormat and TopicFormat (3) Used Stated Interest Area from Prep Discussion (2)
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeAcademic Subject
2 pts
This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeConcept PreparationConcept Preparation: 3-5 sentences clearly showing background of lesson and goal (6) age-appropriate (4)
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeResourcesResources: Include a supportive educational aid for preparation
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeLesson ActivityActivity: Age appropriate (5), Interactive (5), Meets health standard (5), Meets academic need (5), clarity (5)-we should be able to use this
25 pts
This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeLesson AssestsLink or lesson aid
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeLearning Summary ConclusionLearning Summary Conclusion: Provide a lesson wrap up for the students. Reviews health and academic topic (8), age-appropriate (2), complete (2)
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeSuppliesList needed supplies.
3 pts
Total points: 65


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